I just want to give a shout out to Austin Moyle; one of the few good ones
Four words that describe Austin; Genuine, (StrongWilled), Caring, and Funny.

He is headed off to Roseville, California for a mission. He has helped me with so much. His example to me, of who he is and how he doesn’t care of what others think of him. He has helped me grow so much, and to realize that life is too short, and you have to live it. I’m so proud to have been hit with a paint ball by him, well more than one… more like 30. :) I look up to him and respect him so much, He is an amazing friend, and person. Watching and playing COD (call of duty) with him for hours was so entertaining, and my whole goal was to kill him atleast twice. ha i think that only happened once. :) He never got boring; he always had something new and random to say, that always caught you off gaurd. His testimony of the gospel is amazing, how he lights up when he talks about it, is a revelation in its self. Hearing him talk about his family all the time and how much he truly cares about them, and loves them. Showing to others that he loves his family and isn’t scared to say they are my best friends, or I don’t know what I would do without them; Shows just a little bit about his character. I know he is going to change so many lives on his mission! I could go on and on about him, but it would that would be a super long blog. So here is to Elder Australia ;).

Can’t wait to hear his homecoming talk! I am going to miss him so much! Love you!