Thursday, November 11, 2010


I have been through a lot in my life some good some bad, some life changing. Recently i just got back from living in alaska and working for a family company. I moved back down to saint george for about a month, and just realized i needed to be up north till next semester for my health. I have been living with Lymes Disease for 7 Years and never really wanted to worry about it. Because i wanted to focus on being a teen. But because of recent events that have effected my daily living, i have had to seek out doctors again.. I have always known i needed to be careful and make sure i take care of my health, just because i have a lot of health problems. But i never took it serious, because i just wanted to enjoy life.

My doctor recently told me i needed to live like i am a cancer patient who just went through chemo. I have to make sure i don't get sick at all, or even the smallest cold can turn into swine flu, or pneumonia if i don't take care of my self. The thing with Lymes is i have to take each day at a time, some days i can go on a 4 mile run and feel great, other days i feel like a 60 year old woman with arthritis, where the simplest movement can hurt so much and my memory and words are scrambled. It's crazy! But it's MY CRAZY! :) I have learned through the course of my life to stay positive and Strong. Yes, there are days i just want to be grumpy and mad this is how i have to live.. But, why waste time and energy on that emotion when you could be happy and enjoying the smaller, more important things in life. I love to serve others and help others with things they are going through. I know that no matter the trials and tragedies that happen to me in my life... I can handle them, no matter big or small! So why not take the extra time i have in my day, my week to help someone else. Whether its a smile, a helping hand with groceries or volunteering at a corporation. Helping others is what life should be about.

So, i am just focusing on my health and really figuring things out, till i start classes again next semester. :)

I know that is a simple saying "Live, Laugh, Love" but it is so real and true. Their is just so much to live for! So make sure you OUT Live Your Life.


  1. I love ya girl! Don't ever forget that. Stay strong and thanks for always being an example to me. I'm praying for you! xoxo

    1. I know this is two years late. But after you and I talked tonight, i started going back and thinking about how life is so short. Thank you so much for your comment!! It truly means the world to me! Love you so much!

    2. I know this is two years late. But after you and I talked tonight, i started going back and thinking about how life is so short. Thank you so much for your comment!! It truly means the world to me! Love you so much!
