Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pinstriped Suit feller

Today was like any other sunday at church... Except I was trying to get up the courage to talk to a cute guy a.k.a the Pinstriped suit feller...

Now, if you know me you know I do one of two things when I'm interested in a guy. I either go for the guy and get his number or I play coy.

I know they are both polar opposites when it comes to showing interest, but I'm a complicated woman.

I Normally go for the guy, I personally just think its because I'm impatient, at the same time I would love a guy to just be straight forward if he is interested. I do know guys are just as nervous about talking to a girl as a girl talking to a guy. But hey atleast I dont just sit and wait. I also dont want to ask myself "What if?" But I did today.

Back to today, if there was a fail today mine was epic. I swear I had a several chances to talk to this Pinstriped suit fella and every time I either made an awkward smile or just looked at him. I couldnt even get out a simple "Hey". thinking to myself-"Really Megan! am I this challenged, aalllrighty theen."

My good friends, let's call them Cam and Mitchell (modern family) were luckily by my side making fun of my challenges, trying to push me to say something and then when I failed at that. Their reaction was like the Yankees losing to the Boston Red Sox; hands in the air with a bellowing "Come on!" Or "Fail!"

Side note- don't get me wrong I am a Red Sox fan all the way, I even have a sticker on my car. But the Yankees tend to eat us alive, not all the time. I still love my Boston Red Sox though! Side note over

Think about the moment in Sleepless in Seattle when Meg Ryan see's Tom Hanks across the street by the beach and almost gets hit by a truck. Tom just says "Hello" and she says "Hello" Then leaves... She leaves! what is with us women. Can't we just linger a little bit longer to finish the conversation or at least start one up.

Here is to the pinstriped fella...

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