Thursday, March 7, 2013

I don't even know if I finished the race...

As some of you may know I am training for a Triathlon, and have been doing so for the past 2 months, so if any of you have ever trained for a race you are aware that you pretty much eat, sleep, and train... Well that's how it is for me.

The only time I get ready while training is if I am going to church, or if I have a hot date (she says sarcastically) Side note- Aren't guys supposed to know that when a girl looks at them longer than 3 seconds, or multipule times it normally means she is interested or the poor guy has a booger in his nose. -side note over

 If you see me in normal clothes and my hair all adorable, please give me an applause of some sort for my tremendous amount of effort in getting ready during training.

Well, the reason I am talking about the triathlon is because I had a dream a few nights ago that only I would probably have.

I had a dream that the triathlon consisted of swimming, Designing a clothing line, and running.

In the dream, I started off the race by doing the swimming portion, and as I emerged from the water I ran up the dock and immediately starting sketching designs. I kept trying to add more detail and color, and started getting nervous because other people were doing there designs faster and I was behind. After I did 13 designs I had to submit them to the head of Fashion for the Tri. I then went on to do the running part of the race, and after working so hard in training and visualizing myself passing my brother. I not only passed him in the run, but I beat him in the race, or so I thought! As I was about to cross the finish line with a huge smile across my face; I woke up... Now I will never know if I really crossed that finish line...

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