Saturday, November 10, 2012

Nothing Better Than Being Fit

I went and volunteered at the Turkey Triathlon today in Saint George. I loved it! I guess I am one of those weird people who like working at the races and helping organize them. It's just such a great feeling to see each person cross the finish line. Thinking of how hard they worked and what they have accomplished. Thinking to myself  "I can't wait to do that." I just recently worked with my sister in-laws family in putting together the first Dixie Mud Run, and it was a blast. I can't wait to have even more responsibility with it next year.

 I have done 5k's and 10k's and run as much as I can. I haven't ever been able to do a half marathon/ Tri etc. I had some health issues and injured my back and have been working so hard on healing it and getting back in shape. I can't wait to do the STG Tri next year in may. My family has been doing it for the past few years and I can't wait to do it! There really is nothing better than being fit. I'm grateful to have the ability to run and be active.   

Some people ask me how I just go out and run and push myself to run longer and harder to my absolute limits. With it resulting in having to sit in an ice bath or wrap ice packs around my knees. But I love it! I love the wind in my face, I love the feeling I get when I push myself just a little bit further. 

Ya, there are times that it hurts and times when I just want to sit down and lay on the cement or just face plant right in to the front of the treadmill. But I keep going and let me tell ya, that moment you push yourself just a little bit longer, is the moment you get a little bit stronger and faster and better.

 I'm grateful for my life. I'm grateful for my ability to run! 

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