Saturday, April 13, 2013

Believe in Yourself

With the weather being so nice in sunny St. George. I have been seeing all kinds of parents around with their kids. Some are tall, some are short, some are round, some are thin, some are athletic, some are biking, some are eating, some are yelling, and some are laughing.

It has made me start to think what kind of parent or mom I want to be.

I want to be the kind of mom that takes my 2 little ones in a stroller and goes on a run, the kind of mom that has the older ones on bikes or even running right next to me. I want to show my kids my love for being active and show them that if they want anything and I mean anything not just competing in races or getting a medal. If they want to play the flute in the marching band or be the next Michael Angelo, they can! I just want to show them that they can achieve anything they put their minds too.

As I am sitting here at work with 10 hours and 24 minutes left till I have to book it home and get ready for church, I am just thinking about all the things that I want to be "when I grow up" or when I'm a mom... I personally think it's so important to be your kids hero, and to teach them that they can fly! (If they have a pilots license) :) I think kids especially today are growing up too fast and are too involved in this technological world. When I was 9 years old I had markers and the outside to play with!

I'm not saying I plan on being the perfect mom, I'm sure I will have times when I will need a moment to take a deep breath or go on a long run by myself. But what I have learned over the years is that it's those moments when you think they aren't looking or watching you, those are the moments that matter most, those are the moments that they remember you as, the moments when you didn't think they were watching.

All I'm saying is try and help your kids believe in everything and believe in magic, but most importantly believe in themselves.

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