Sunday, August 22, 2010

Everyone is fighting some sort of battle… so always be kinder than necessary..

If there is one thing in my life that brings me more joy… its being there for my friends! Really though. When I find out my friends are in pain or they are going through something… I want to take that pain away. Because I know I can handle it. I know all I can do is be there for them and prayer that the lord will guide them. But sometimes it’s so hard, to see them stumble along trying to find their way. I have gone through so many things, and I think because I have already gone through them, I am that much stronger in how I live. So that when my friends go through them or different things, I am able to be there for them, to hold on too.

You will meet all different kinds of people in your life. Some you may not like and some you will love, some who will wrong you… but always see their side of things, and realize that they are fighting a battle too. “Even the most loath full creature, needs a friend.”

Don’t judge so quickly… realize you are not perfect either, no matter what anyone has done, we are all trying each day… to be better.

LIVESTRONG- I wear the bracelet, yes to support Lance Armstrong and cancer… but I wear it to always to remind me to livestrong in everything I do… To always stay true to myself and my values.

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