Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our america..

I love politics and i love listening to what is going on in the world. I do not have a complete knowledge of every single thing that is going on. But what i do know it our america is being corrupted. The america we know and love is slowly splitting. I am republican and am so proud to say that. I always like to see both sides of every story. But from what i have seen and what has been said on CNN, FOX, NBC, etc... Is sickening. The fact that so many people are fighting for something that they dont even know full well what it is they are fighting for is sad. Abortion, 10-2-10, socialism,communism soldiers. Now these are just a few of the things that are on the news.

Abortion; this is one thing that i have such a hard time with. yes it is a womans right to get an abortion.. but if you only new what happens. planned parenthood had a woman get a salene abortion; which is where they inject a needle into the baby. which burns the baby inside out. then the mother will just give birth to a dead baby. or if the baby is still alive. they just throw it away... How is this considered ok... it is murder...
go to my facebook: i have a video on my home page.

There have been commercials for global warming... one of these commercials had kids in a classroom. The teacher asked if all the kids would cut back a little on things to help... all of the kids rose there hand but two... Then the teacher said you can leave just one moment... then She pressed a red button and blew up the two childeren who did not raise there hands.. This is an actual commercial that they took off the air. The people who made it thought it would be funny. Really? This is just one of the socialism groups...

10-2; now if you dont know this date. you need to look it up. Then look up 8-28. Look at the difference in each event. 10-2 supposedly wants to make our country better and loves the earth and thinks socialism is the way.When they did the pledge allegiance half of the people werent even saying it, let alone had there hand over there heart, and were wearing shirts that said things such at Capitalism is failing choose socialism or Christianity, paganism, heathens... Burn in hell. etc.. Now 8-28; glenn beck spoke about his 40 day challenge to "mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor". When they said the pledge of allegiance, every person was standing and had there hand over there heart, many of the people had american flag shirts, and hats, flags etc..

Go learn more in depth about these two events.

Whats sad is people were saying that this man who was at the 8/28 rally wearing an american flag shirt and had an american flag hat and had his hand over his heart. people criticized him... sayin this man is crazy... when another man at the 10/2 rally had a socialism shirt, yelling and screaming with a sign that said socialism is the way! Make the rich pay. i couldn't find the pictures of both.. but seeing them on the news... Which one would you choose.

We must finally take a stand. This is our america... One person can make a difference. This is just a few of the things that have been on the news this week, i needed to just get my feelings out. Dont just stand by and live your life, unaware of the thngs going on in our america. Learn, have an opinion... even if its not the same as mine... have an opinion about the choices changing america!

If you want to know more about the rallys. Google it.. Glenn Beck spoke about it on Monday oct-4th. look for it. Listen to his words... you can go to other sites to learn about it. I just think Glenn Beck gave a beautiful talk about these two historic events.

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