Sunday, March 10, 2013

I am "blank" because...

I’m weird because…
I can’t sleep with my hair down, unless it's wet
I say Hola a lot!
I cry during sad commercials 
I love grocery shopping (alone)
I consider a solo target trip as therapy
I crack myself up multiple times a day
I make a wish any time it’s 11:11.
I love the smell of rain more than I love the smell of fresh baked muffins.
If I'm singing in the car, and not driving I often sing to the window, so incase I mess up no one will hear.
I have to sleep with at least one foot out of my covers, and the closet door closed.
I love cats, but I think they are way creepy at night time.
I love jalapeños.
I love eating grapes and watching thunderstorms; it's what I did as a kid my siblings and I would open the sliding door to the backyard, and count each thunder strike while eating grapes. 
I have a purse and sunglasses addiction... :)
I would rather clean the entire house 3 times, than clean behind the toilet.
I do enjoy watching The Bachelor, and always have some kind of hope that a love story will happen.
I have to open the microwave before it beeps.
I have posed for almost every picture since I can remember
I consider therapy to be driving with the windows rolled down, and music up.
I know how to take people down with paint balls and a sling shot...
I have had the same LIVESTRONG bracelet on since 8th grade

What can I say I'm not camera shy.

I'm awesome because... (I'm a loud to think fondly of myself... we all are)
I'm confident
I'm capable of so much
I've done a few 10k's
I have swam in alaska underneath the northern lights
I have also done a 5k in a wheel chair (broke my toe two days before the race)
I have stood up for what I believe in
I have slept on a golf course
I have drank water straight from a glacier
I'm okay being silly in front of a crowd
I have lost 70 lbs, and am celebrating that by doing a triathlon
I'm entertainingly funny
I have raided peoples houses dressed as a ninja to freak them out
I'm a good friend
I tell good jokes
I'm loyal
I sound like a dog with the past few things I have said...well a dog is a mans best friend, and so am I.
I love no matter the circumstances 
I make good salsa

                                                                                                                          overly confident

I'm a bad friend because
I don't call as much as I should.
I sometimes don't have the right words to say.
I never remember birthdays, so I put a reminder in my phone or planner.

I’m a good friend because…
I want to see those I love succeed.
I'm a good listener
I get excited for my friends, as if what was happening to them was happening to me :)
I'm trust worthy
I love my friends like they are my family
I remember little things, and try to pay attention to details 
You can show up at my house at 2am to talk about your bad day.
I’m not afraid to get silly and slap happy.
I send random "I miss you" text messages

I’m sad because…
I wish all my family lived closer.
I too often get consumed with my busy life.
I sometimes let little things get in the way of the big picture.
I wish I had more girl time with my best friends.
I need to be better at letting people in, it's the one thing I want most, but have the hardest time doing it
I've lost a friend, whom I thought would be in my life forever.

I’m happy because…
I'm so blessed in my life
I have more projects done for the DSU fashion show this year
I'm living my life to the fullest
I'm so grateful to be part of the LDS church.
It’s that time of year when everyone has umbrella's out walking in the rain.
I have friends who know me inside and out.
I see the greater good of things.
I'm about to accomplish something I have been dreaming about since I was 17.
I have an amazing family that I don't know what I would do with out 

I’m excited for…
Summer time
My first Triathlon
To cut back how many times I have to see doctors
The future
Reading a book and laying out in the sun all day
To teach english to the kids in mexico
...For the next 80 years of my life

I have a strangely wide and sometimes seemingly opposite range of interests.
- I'm the kind of girl who will check the news in the morning and watch the bachelor at night, the kind of girl who will wake up at dawn and go four wheeling all day and then get a manicure and wear a skirt the next day, the kind of girl who feels just as beautiful in Nike's as she does in Steve madden shoes... the kind of girl who... Let's just call her well rounded, but some use weird. :)

So, What about you my fellow friend, blogger, blog reader, what would you say about yourself?

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