Friday, November 30, 2012

To cry or not to cry- ramble

The worst question to ask someone who has been crying... "Are you okay...?"

Of course I'm not okay crazy.

Oh no your right I'm totally great! My face is red and my make up is gone, because when I went in to the hall I actually tried to hold my breath to break a world record and then when I broke that world record I started crying with tears of joy. Better luck next time aye professor

Why! Why would some one say "are you okay?" when your obviously not. Can't they just come give you a hug or say hey here is an awesomely yummy vanilla cupcake or smoothie to make you feel better. Come on. I just got done crying. And now you brought on the tears again... The tears that if you say 3 little words they come rushing back... Really what is with it?!

Now don't get me wrong, I think anyone who is crying just needs a hug or the totally opposite. "Like if you touch me, you die!"

Don't know what's with those people... Killing is bad.

But I guess no one ever knows what to do. I mean you don't want some poor unsuspecting person to come give you a hug and then you punch their lights out, cause they totally invaded your space. On the other hand you don't want someone saying "Are you okay?" If you don't want to give them your whole life story and all of the things leading up to this momentous break down in the hall of FCS building on campus... What am I a woman? Yap, I am. At least I'm not an ugly cryer.

But there are those moments when that one person you need comes through, whether its that cute guy you like or a dear friend or even your darn professor. Just showing they care. Means the world.

Here is to the people who still care about others. We live in such a technological world that no one actually sees others any more. They don't actual look at the person they are speaking too.

What happened to gentlemen?
- guys who open your door or actually tell you that you are beautiful, guys who treat you like the amazing woman you are, guys who love you for your imperfections.

What happened to ladies?
Girls who respect themselves, girls who give the good guys a chance, and actually wear things that leave some mystery to the eye. Who actually treat guys good and not like their ex who threw paint on their car. (Word to the wise, not all guys are bad. There are some pretty great ones out their... I hope. At least mine better be)

What happened to good ol conversations, that last all night?
- you know the ones that start with the good bye date then linger to sitting on the steps then ends on the couch and finally ends laying on your stomach on the floor laughing and telling stories till the sun is rising.

What happened to a perfectly nice stranger letting you in, when there is lots of traffic?
- you know the nice drivers, the ones who don't live in utah most of the time, who aren't so focused on there lives that they actually see a cute, single, nice funny girl wanting to get in and they wave their nice little hand to welcome me to the road! Gee thanks stranger.

What happened to people. People are crazy.

Better head to bed. Hopefully this makes some type of sense, glad I got this off my mind...

Rambling ended.

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