In a world afraid to believe in anything, its the people around me that I look to for advice. I know in my heart with out a doubt that this church is the true church and that with out my heavenly father by my side I would not even be here. So much has happened in my life.. but none of it, I regret. I know that no matter how many bad things have happened. Their has been many more good things happen to me than bad.
When I am praying... someone is listening. I know with all my heart that my heavenly father loves me, and he knows how much I want to make a difference in this world. He is real. He hears my prayers. He cares about me. He loves me. But most of all, he is their for me...
No matter the out come. whether you don't like the answer to the question you have been praying about... know this... Heavenly Father knows you, and knows what will make you happy, he has a plan for you. Even though it may be hard, don't question it. Have faith that it will work out.
Always strive to better yourself, even if it is little tiny steps... "Try a little harder, To be a little better"...
Meg! everything will be okay :) Im so proud of you and the discoveries you are making! I love you and will always be here for you!!