Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 1

I have been anticipating a very long awaited doctors appointment that I have been jumping through hoops to finally get. I was finally sitting in the waiting area, waiting for my name to be called; Thinking to myself "I'm finally here."

When I got called in, I sat there in that cold little room starring at the swivel circle chair the doctor sits on, with nerves running through me and hopes and doubts racing through ever inch of me. I had mixed emotions, I have been Hoping for this day for a long time but at the same time I wondered what if this isn't it, what if nothing will change, what if everything will change? I have been hoping for this for so long that I felt the need to cry, but wasn't sure if it was tears of joy or doubt.

The Doctor knocked and came in with his white coat on and greeted me with his very dainty and gentle hand shake and middle eastern accent. We started to go over every medical paper to ever have my name on it, Which could easy out do one of the Harry Potter books. Then words that Pierced right through me

"Megan, we are going to figure this out and get you back to normal life again."

I guess everyone has there own normal, but for me that normal means something so much more.

With a knot in my stomach of hoping with all my heart that this would finally be my answer. Dr. DoGood said the the word that I had been fearing but hoping for, the big T word that I have truthfully been scared of. "Treatment". With a very stiff but genuine smile, I said "Okay, let's do this!"

Day 1 was yesterday, and I am grateful, scared, hopeful and nervous about this treatment. But I know that all will be okay, I will conquer this once and for all and I will not let it control my life. Because I have way to much to live for.

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