Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I have been a little bit stressed the past few days with just so many different things going on in my life and with a new semester of school starting on top of it. I knew I needed to de-stress by either going and seeing a movie or going on a run or doing some yoga. I went with yoga; as I was walking in to the gym tonight to go to the class it was a complete zoo in there. My goodness, I have never seen so many people in one tiny gym before.

After my yoga class and after I was all zen, I started driving home and started thinking about the next few days and the next few months and how so much has changed already with the new year. I found myself searching, I don't know what exactly I am searching for but it's like a magnetic pull, pulling me towards something unknown.

When I was about to get home, I decided to just take a little drive past the St George Temple. As I started passing the Visitors center I saw a man sitting in there by himself just looking up at the Statue of Christ. He reminded me of when at different times in our lives we are searching for something, whether it's a friend, guidance, hope, peace, healing of the heart or searching for that someone to spend forever with. I wanted to go and just sit by this gentleman and hear his story.

It's funny how one person, one stranger, one thought, one look or one smile can change someones day or the course of there life. It's kind of crazy how one moment your playing checkers with a woman at an old folks home and then offered a job, or standing in line at the grocery store and then come to find out all your groceries were payed for, or how the sweet old man volunteering at the temple gives you the advice you have been searching for, or how the stranger with nice smile becomes the love of your life. One act can change the course of a someones life. So go out there and live your life and I hope some one can change your life, but I hope that you can change someones life. Don't worry about what is to come, all will be okay.

"Come what may and love it." - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

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