Wednesday, January 2, 2013

7 ways to get rid of a cold

This blog is in honor of how I was welcomed in to the New Year.

No matter who we are or where we come from or what we drive. Every single one of us knows that when you have a cold you can't glam it up; you can't hide it; not with the constant nose blowing every 3 seconds or the puffy eyes or sounding like your hermit the frogs cousin, you can't pretend your fine and you definitely can't use make up to hide from it, you can't even hide the little red nose. And no you can't take DayQuil and miraculously be an NFL player ready for the game. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Figured I should help a fellow person out when the wrath of a cold comes upon them. Listed below are the 7 steps to kill the common head cold.

1- Sleep is key! your body needs rest, but i know how hard it is to sleep with a sore throat and stuffy nose it's like a war zone. Hence the fact that I started writing this at 5 in the morning. Breathing from your mouth won't work; and if it is tried the only way to breath out of your mouth is through a blanket, I don't know why. Then if by some miracle you can breath through one nostril, you then have the great experience of feeling like a runner who has smoked for 30 years and has asthma; just one breath at a time.

2- Feed a cold, starve a fever; this does not mean going to your nearest convenient store and buying all the chips, candies and goodies you want. I'm talking good foods; the kind that are wholesome, and the kind that don't have sour, gummy, or 20% more on the package. Your body needs strength and fuel to fight off the infection.

3- Chicken noodle, Campbell's is great! But homemade is better! :) more healing powers with all the love made with it I think. This isn't just some tradition that everyone does just because. Chicken noodle really helps! This is not fiction.

4-Soft lotion tissues- or menthol
This is a must, now if your in a tight budget, then don't get the axe body wash or bath and body works lotion. Your nose will forever dis own you. There is nothing worse than using toilet paper over a day period when you have a cold. It's like putting sand paper up to your nose and rubbing. It hurts. The lotion tissues are the bomb; but the menthol ones oh boy! Those are keepers. It's like little moments of fresh air. Pure bliss for that 3.2 seconds of using each tissue. Or if your really hard core. Just leaving your tissue up your nose for the duration of how ever long until you go in public. That works too.

5-Take medicine- okay I feel like every human takes NyQuil for a cold- ya, it puts you to bed! Fast. Believe me i know. But it actually doesn't even have a decongestant in it. Which is key to help you get better. Say no to NyQuil and yes to a decongestant!

6-If there is a sore throat involved get Popsicles or cough drops. Get the sugar free Popsicles and what ever cough drop that floats your boat. I personally love Ricolla. And it's fun to say it like the commercial. Ricolla.. Make sure you are also drinking lots of fluids, preferably water.

7-Hot shower- if you in any way shape or form or worry you have a cold. A hot shower once a day is key. First of all it helps your sinuses and makes your sore throat feel bearable and it just makes you feel a tiny bit better.

Once you have taken the shower, combine all seven steps and watch a movie or in my case, watching funniest home videos with a huge quilt.

You have a cold! so rest at every chance you get. what you need is cough drops handy, tissues, a garbage for tissues unless you just throw them on the ground making a huge white fluffy pile, water, have a Popsicle in hand, chicken noodle cooking. Now if your real bad- a humidifier. Then you will look like one of the NyQuil commercials before they feel better.

Warning; make sure no friends, roommates, spouses or family members are near who would find it funny and snag a picture of this momentous occasion in your life.

Good luck to you and your cold!

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